Device name change issues after system upgrade

Device name change issues after system upgrade

Device name change issues after system upgrade

If server does not boot up correctly and manual file system check as described in the article here:

does not help, this may suggest issues with name of disk being changed. This is the case when you do system upgrade to Centos 6.2 and after the reboot server will not start up. To resolve the issue it is required to start the recovery mode by pressing “Reboot in Recovery” button in clients dashboard:

Login to this recovery image as “root” and password “recovery”. Your filesystem will be on /dev/sdb1. Mount the disk:

# mount  /dev/sdb1  /mnt/

To be sure that there was system upgrade you can run the following command and you will see when last kernel update was performed:

# tail -1000 /mnt/var/log/yum.log | grep kernel
May 11 10:44:30 Updated: dracut-kernel-004-256.el6_2.1.noarch 
May 11 10:44:32 Updated: kernel-firmware-2.6.32-220.13.1.el6.noarch 
May 11 10:44:41 Installed: kernel-2.6.32-220.13.1.el6.x86_64

Use any  editor to correct /mnt/etc/fstab file, there should be a simple change of xvde1 to xvda1

Edit /mnt/boot/grub/grub.conf file and change the name of the disk /dev/xvde1 to /dev/xvda1 (change letter “e” to letter “a”):

Unmount the /mnt directory:

# umount /mnt

 Once done  shutdown the VPS using “Force Power Off” button in dashboard:

Start the VPS with “Startup” button. Once the status lamp turns on,  your server should be up and fully operational.

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