DNS Record Types

DNS Record Types

When adding a record on the DNS manager, The `type’ may be any of the following supported resource record types:




A host address. The `data’ column should contain the IP address (in numbers-and-dots format) associated with the `name’.
example: `′




An IPv6 host address. The `data’ column should contain the IPv6 address associated with the `name’.
example: `3ffe:b00:c18:3::a’




The canonical name for an alias. The `data’ column should contain the real name of the machine specified by `name’. `data’ may be a hostname or an FQDN.
example: `porcini.example.com.’ (FQDN)
example: `porcini’ (hostname only)




Mail exchange. The `data’ column should contain the hostname or FQDN of a mail server which will accept mail for the host specified by `name’. The `aux’ column should contain a preference for this mail server. Mail transfer agents prefer MX records with lower values in `aux’.
example: `ns0.example.com.’ (FQDN)
example: `ns0′ (hostname only)




A text string. The `data’ column contains a text string that is returned only when a TXT query is issued for the host specified by `name’.
example: `This is a string.’
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