How to create Cloud Server with Windows OS?
Log in to your account at

Open the dashboard and access the Cloud Servers section as outlined below. You can select Cloud Servers section in the upper toolbar, follow the quick link My Cloud Servers, or go to the box Cloud Servers.
Start the process of server creation by pressing the “Create new Cloud Server” button. The step is skipped if you follow the link “You currently don’t have any Cloud Servers. Click here to create one” located in the Cloud Servers
Fill in the information in the form below to configure your Cloud Server
Start from the section “Select cluster and template” and select Cloud (a), Zone (b), OS (c), and Template (d) as per your requirements:

Choose the required quantity of resources in the section “Assign Nodes”. Move the slider to the right to specify the number of nodes your Cloud server should consist of. Also, you can add Daily Nodes, RAM, and Storage by selecting the corresponding sections on the toolbar.
Note! Windows template requires at least 30GB of disk space. Disk size downgrade will not be available for Windows-based servers.
Specify the “Cloud Server details”, i.e. label (used for your reference only), hostname, and tag. Pay attention to provided examples and make sure to follow the established format

Review sections Backup Manager, License Manager, and Recipes and select any, if necessary, by putting a tick in the corresponding box:

Double-check the provided information and press “Create” button located in the bottom of the form.
Your server has been successfully created. You can review the information about it and the network settings in the Cloud Servers Here you can also power machines on and off, delete, and re-install them.
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