If you would like to transfer your domain to VPS.NET, it is quite an easy thing to do!
Go to Manage domain names in VPS.NET dashboard:
Choose Transfer domain category:
Just fill in your domain name and transfer authorization code:
Then add general contact details:
And that is it!
Email will be sent to administrator of a domain to agree and accept the transfer. If the email has been accepted, then transfer is effectively in progress. The transfer of the domain name generally takes couple of days.
You should also bear in mind that in order for the transfer of a domain name to be successful, that domain must be active. If, the domain is locked, inactive or in the process of being deleted or redeemed, then this does not meet the criteria for a transfer. A domain must also have been registered for more than 60 days before you are allowed to transfer it. Privacy protection service should be disabled for the domain before you place a transfer request.
If you have any additional questions, please do contact us — we would be more than happy to help!